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IO-LINK Revolution

IO-LINK Revolution

What Is IO-LINK?

IO-Link is a powerful standard, an increasingly deployed point-to-point serial communication protocol used to communicate with sensors and/or actuators. Extending the globally recognized PLC standard IEC 61131, it allows three types of data to be exchanged – Process data, service data, and events. Major sensor manufacturers and industrial manufacturing companies, including Pepperl+Fuchs Comtrol, have joined the international IO-Link Consortium to promote the IO-Link communication protocol due to its many advantages over standard I/O.

Pepperl+Fuchs Comtrol is pleased to introduce the industry’s highest density IO-Link Master Industrial IO-Link gateway in its IO-Link Master. The IO-Link to EtherNet/IP™ Master combines the benefits of the IO-Link standard with the EtherNet/IP™ and Modbus TCP protocols. You can easily integrate the IO-Link Master into a system network with existing and new industrial Ethernet installations.

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